Before 1940
Under Nazi-German Occupation
Red Army Soldier
Volume 5
Marcus Lecker
I Remember:
Odyssey of a Jewish Teenager in Eastern Europe
published by
Concordia University Chair in Canadian Jewish Studies
Copyright �
Marcus Lecker, 1999
Key Words
Romania, Bucovina, Bessarabia,
Seletin (town in Romania), Radauti (city in Romania), Soviet annexation
of Bucovina in June 1940, Yiddish school in Czernovitz, Comsomol
(Communist Youth Organization), Zalescziky (town), Tluste (town),
Czortkow (city), Kopuczinze (town), Galizia, Judenrat in Czortkow
and Zalescziky, Dumbravleni (village), Transnistria, Moghilev-Podolsk
(city), Montreal, Canada, Mielnica (town), Borschow (city), Partisan
activities, Suceava (city), Focsani (city), Cluj (city), Turda (city).
Manuscript was written during
1992-93. The author was born on February 9, 1923 in the small town
of Seletin in the northern Romanian province of Bucovina. Population
of the town was 2000, mostly Ukrainians with some 200 Jewish families.
German culture predominated and most Jews spoke German. Author describes
family life and his elementary and secondary education. Refers to
the German occupation of surrounding countries and the utter lack
of preparation by the Jews of Romania. In June 1940, Bucovina was
annexed by Soviet Union. Author witnesses the arrest and deportation
of friends by the Soviet NKVD. Describes the Nazi invasion of the
Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. Observes the Ukrainians welcoming
reception of the Germans in Galizia. Attempts to travel east, but
was trapped in the German encirclement of Galizia. Receives brutal
treatment at the hands of the local Ukrainian police. Arrested in
town of Czortkow and assigned to labour gang. Recounts events of
July 14, 1941 when Nazis first begin killing Jews. Describes scene
where Jewish informer betrays prisoners to the Nazis who proceed
to execute them. Relates two contrasting incidents with Ukrainian
peasants: one robs them, the other is compassionate and offers aid.
Travels to Zalescziky where Hungarian Jews from Budapest had been
transported. Describes the destruction of Jewish quarters in Zalescziky
in 1942. Moves to Mielnica and works in an agricultural settlement.
Goes to Borschkow and finds work as odd-job labourer with the German
gendarmerie. Befriended by an officer, he gets reports of planned
German actions which allows him to warn the ghetto inhabitants of
impending danger. Runs away to join partisans in the forest. Describes
the forest bunker which housed 16 people and relates the partisans
relations with the Polish colony which provided them with food.
In April 1944, liberated by Russian soldiers. Reunited with father
who had spent the war years in Transnistria; later reunited with
mother. Works at a Red Army recruiting centre, then sent to Intelligence
unit at the front. Notes the beginning of the Russian offensive
near Jassy-Kishineff. Is with unit of Red Army moving westward as
Germans retreat. Describes the battles over Budapest. Ordered by
commanding officer, General Karlov, to take 7 suitcases of war booty
to his family in Moscow. Later, is in Austria when war ends. Ordered
back to the Soviet Union and after some difficulties succeeds in
getting demobilized and returns to Radauti March 26, 1946. Concludes
with epilogue wherein he addresses questions relating to the effect
his Holocaust and war experiences have had on his character and
subsequent life.