Concordia University Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies

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In the summer of 1996 we received a telephone from a lady that she would like to see us. She and a sister are in Montreal on a visit from Sao Paulo, Brazil. These two ladies, Chaia and Binzia Weber are originally from Radauti and were neighbours of my wife's family back home. When they came to our house, one of them said to me, "You must have known my husband as he was also from Seletin. When I asked her who her husband was, she told me Berl Neuman (mentioned twice during my story). They were married in 1946 in Rumania, emigrated to Israel and had two children. In 1956 he went on an errand on his motorcycle in Tel-Aviv, Israel, was hit by a truck and killed.

In September 1999, my wife and I went back to Rumania for old times’ sake. Among other things we visited the Jewish cemetery in Radauti, my wife’s home town. Among the gravestones I found some where names of loved ones who perished during the Holocaust were added after the war by their relatives in Radauti. One was the name of Jusiu Reicher (see: Chapter III.A.) whom I found in the cellar of the Ukrainian police in Czortkow in July 1941 and who was later killed. In addition the names of all the Schulsinger family members from Zalescziki (see: Chapter III. B.), who perished during the Aktion that took place in the summer of 1942, were added to the gravestone of the Aron family who lived in Radauti.

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