Now, that I have told you my story covering the
years 1939-1946 certain questions might arise. I am not talking about questions regarding
historical events or events of a political nature. I am referring to the influence that
these events, that I lived through, might have had on my future life, or of any change of
character that might have occurred within myself. I think that these events and their
influence upon me, are in a bigger context valid for most other survivors in general.
I think that my life would not have been much
different in the long run, even if I had not lived through the Holocaust years. Neither
had my character changed much as a result of those years. Certain events related in this
story prove my point.
I was escorting a high German officer to the
prisoner of war camp and when I attempted to kill him, so as to take revenge for all the
suffering I was subjected to by the Germans (besides the fact that he was extremely
arrogant and refused to answer any questions), I aimed my gun, pulled the trigger and
missed, even though he was only 4-5 meters away. I think that I subconsciously missed
because I am not a killer. I just couldn't do it and all the suffering didn't change me.
There were many times during the years 1941-1944,
when my friend Jacques and I discussed our situation and we both agreed and decided, that
if we should ever get out of this mess alive, we should deny that we are Jewish, take on a
gentile identity and live out our lives in some village as farmers. During that period,
the worst thing that could have happened to anybodywas to be born Jewish, one of the
"chosen people". But once the war was over, I forgot those decisions and I
joined the mainstream of my peoples life.
During those terrible years I heard many Jews
complaining about the absence of our God. How can He look and see the suffering of our
people and do nothing about it. But the same people who asked these questions at that time
are running to the synagogues today and saying the same prayers they would have said if
they would not have gone through the Holocaust years.
I read a book recently written by a survivor, who
was trying to find a psychological explanation for his survival. After digging into his
family's past and analyzing the relationships between the different members of the family,
he came to the conclusion that the reason for his survival was a strong family
relationship and strong family values. If this was a good reason for survival, then the
whole of the Jewish people was supposed to survive, because among Jewish families there is
a strong bond between its members. They generally live according to high moral standards.
The survival was an accident. It didn't help that one was smart or rich. At least not
where I have been. The Red Army also had something to do with the survival of the ones who
made it up to the point of their liberation (at least in Eastern Europe). By the same
token the experiences of the Second World War didn't change the relationships much between
the peoples generally. There have been wars, of an ideological, political or economic
nature ever since, in different parts of the globe. And it doesn't look like there will be
an end to wars ever.
I did experience some physical and emotional damage
as a result of living through those three years of hell. I lost part of my teeth at the
Czortkow prison during the July 14, 1941 events. I lost the tips of my toes during the
winter of 1943-1944 and the scars as a result of wounds caused by starving are still
there. I have frequent nightmares during my sleep and wake up screaming. But my basic
character hasn't changed.
There is one thing I would like to mention as a
result of my living through those years and that is that one cannot and should not
generalize. I hear sometimes people saying that the Poles or the Ukrainians or the Germans
are bad and antisemitic. I encountered a lot of bad ones among them all. But there were
others that helped me survive. I shall never forget a Pavlo Darmapuk (Ukrainian) Madame
Petrovska (Polish), the commander of the German Gendarmerie in Borschow, whose name I
forgot, and the six Polish families-colonists who lived near the Tzigany forest. Without
them I would have never survived.
I have put down on paper this true story because I
felt a strong urge to do it. It is meant for my son and his family to somehow guide them
through life in this troubled world. But it is also a dedication to my best and
inseparable friend to the age of 21 Jacques Ernst, who lies buried for no reason in the
Tzigany forest in an unmarked mass grave. His parents Itzchak and Regine Ernst, fine
people, died in Israel of a broken heart. They could never get over the loss of their only
son. And who could? They never tried to get in touch with me to find out the details of
his death, because, I felt that they blamed me for being the initiator of our flight from
Czernowitz in June 1941. This, of course, wasnt true. We had taken the decision
together. But his tragedy makes me sometimes feel guilty for having survived.