Concordia University Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies

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The following is not meant to be a description of facts, experiences, etc, in book form.

The purpose is simply, following a suggestion from my daughter Ruth, to put in writing some of my experiences, facts and figures of the time of World War II. However, the war time will be better understood if some of the background preceding the war is told first.

Let me start from the day of my birth.

My name is Guenther Ludwig Zilversmit. I was born on July 5, 1926 in Leer, Ostfriesland, Germany. My middle name Ludwig is after my father’s brother, who was killed in action during World War I.

I am the son of Karl Zilversmit, born in Hengelo, Holland on June 6, 1888, and Hedwig Zilversmit, nee Lion, born on February 15, 1902, in Duesburg/Ruhrort, Germany. I have a younger brother Walter, who was born on August 22, 1927, also in Leer, Germany.

G. L. Z.

© Concordia University

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