Concordia University Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies

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How could it have happened?

How could it be that in the twentieth century six million Jews were killed? First, the Germans lied to us all along. We were told time and time again in the ghettoes that we would be transported to Germany for work, to replace those who were at the front. Lies. Even in Birkenau, upon our arrival, all we saw, written in huge letters, were the words Arbeit macht frei. Another lie: that families would be kept together.

Another: when we were told to send postcards to our relatives and friends, who had not yet been transported to Germany: "If you don't sign it, you won't receive any food!" "But," we protested, "we are in Auschwitz, and the postcards say 'Waldsee.'" "Sign it, or there will be harsh punishment," was the blockova’s answer. Lies that reveres are hospitals where sick people get better. In reality, the first transport to the crematoria always came by emptying the reveres. Lies, when Mengele let me climb up onto a wagon in search of my handbag.

The doors to the gas chambers were identical to the doors to the showers. They even had the word "shower-rooms" written on them. Until we felt the cold water on our bodies, we too could have been fooled. The Germans were scheming all along. Even the ashes of our dear ones were used as fertilizer, and our shorn hair was used for stuffing mattresses.

But how could so much deception be so effective? Why did we believe the Germans? Because a Jew cannot grasp such bestiality and degradation of human beings. We simply believe in chesed and hope for a better tomorrow: especially those who were brought up religiously constantly expected miracles to happen.

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To Chapter 9

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