Concordia University Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies

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Forced labour: a unit where Jewish men were trained for hard work, but no weapons. Separated from regular army units, taking them to the most dangerous places on the front

Muselman: emaciated person in a concentration camp

Lagerstrasse: the only street in a concentration camp

Musaf prayer: the second solemn prayer of the day

stubenelteste: main helper in the block: a heftling

h�ftling: inmate

Brotkammer: place where bread was distributed

Strafenkomando: for punishment

Blockova: the sole supervisor of the block

stubendienst: helpers in the block

appel: daily head count of prisoners

sortierung: to choose

delkele: cheese-danish (pastry)

dales kriegt sich: misery argues

rucksak: back-pack

verfluchte: damned, accursed

schreiberin: one who does the correspondence

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