to Ten: Story of a Hidden Child
May 1994
by the
Concordia University Chair in Canadian Jewish Studies
� Marcel Braistein, 1999
Key Words
Antwerp, Belgium, Brussels,
Charleroi (town in Belgium), hidden children, intervention
of Christians to save Jewish children, effect of Nazi edicts
on Jewish life, Allied liberation of Belgium, Montreal.
The narration is told
in first-person in the voice of an adult recollecting his
childhood and represents reality through the sensibility of
the witnessing child. It begins in Antwerp, Belgium on Friday,
May 10, 1940, the day the Germans began bombing Antwerp. Describes
the family attempts to escape the invading Germans by travelling
on a crowded truck toward the French border, but forced to
return as the Germans are already there. Mother takes ill
and dies. Moves in with maternal grandparents -- Yiddish-speaking
immigrants from Poland -- in the town of Charleroi, where
grandmother earns a living selling cigarettes. Grandparents
are traditional Jews who celebrate the Holy days. His father
remarries and Marcel stays with new family for a short time
but is so unhappy that he is returned to the care of grandparents.
Describes the imposition of Nazi regulations concerning the
Jews: the Yellow Star on clothing, expulsion from regular
school. Plans are made to hide the children with sympathetic
Protestant Christians. Describes his new life with pious Christian
family; given a new name; attending church services regularly;
enrolled in Christian school. Recalls narrow escapes from
the Germans. Dramatic incident when Jewish woman with three
year-old child begs Marcels "godfather" to
take her child too -- and disappears. Aid is given by local
pastor. Detailed description of life as a hidden child, with
new name, identity, religion, etc. Because of Allied bombings
the schools are closed and for months children are given schoolwork
material to be completed at home. Describes the food and clothing
shortages affecting civilian life. Witnesses the Allied entry
into Charleroi and the towns jubilant reception. At
wars end he considers himself a Christian and, when
he learns that his grandparents have survived and he is returned
to them, he is unhappy about leaving his Christian family.
Family gets court order demanding he be returned. Initially
suffers culture shock and his Christian practices clash with
grandparents Judaism. Encounters difficult adjustment
in returning to his real name, former identity, and Yiddish
language. Learns of the fate of family members. Participates
with group of hidden children in activities sponsored by Jewish
agencies. Learns from the Red Cross that his father had been
sent to Auschwitz and is presumed dead. Concludes with epilogue,
"Fifty Years Later." Gives a summary of his present
state of mind and addresses the lessons imparted to him by
his wartime experiences and how they contributed to his post-war
life as an artist.