Part 3
I remembered I saw the same circle back in Zeitz
just before they destroyed the factory there. I began to run toward the camp at a pace I
had never ran before; while running on the road I noticed that all the SS were in the
ditches beside the road with their guns pointing at me. They screamed at me and were
shooting over my head. I thought I was a-goner for sure. While I was running, I tried to
make up an excuse for the main gate SS guard as to why I was late coming in. To my luck,
all the guards at the gate were gone, probably hiding in their bomb shelters. I ran
straight through the gates without stopping; while running across the Appel Platz
which was adjacent to the main gates, as big as a football field. When I was across the
field, about half way, I fell to the ground from the air pressure of the falling bombs
about 500 yards away in the factories.
I lay there stunned for a while; when I opened my
eyes, I was in my block laying on a cot and Franta, our block leader, was standing over
me, asking me, "What in hell happened to you?" I just looked at him and said,
"I don't know!"
Later I found out, since our Block was just 1 block
away from the Apell Platz, you could actually see the main gates from our barrack.
They saw me running through the main gates when I suddenly fell flat on my face. They
actually thought that I was shot while running across the Apell Platz. They ran out
and picked me up and brought me in. I stayed on my bunk for the rest of the day. I
couldn't move because of the running and the bomb pressure. The factory was blown to
pieces, not one building was left standing.
January 1945
Most of the concentration camps in Eastern Europe
were being evacuated away from the advancing Russian Armies and a great number of their
inmates were brought to Buchenwald. All the Jews left in Czentstechov were brought to
Buchenwald. The camp was over-filled with prisoners by the thousands. Since the factories
were out of operation, we stayed in the barracks and I had the opportunity to go and see
father again.
Father was very pessimistic about the whole
situation. He told me that all the people from his barrack were being transferred from
Buchenwald in order to make room for other incoming prisoners. I felt a cold shiver going
through my bones. The Americans were already occupying part of western Germany; in only a
few weeks the war would be over, and we would be free. Father took me around and hugged me
for a while. I could feel his tears running down my neck and he said, "If you are
spared I want you to tell the world about our destruction. And don't let the world ever
forget the murder of the Jews!"
With a kiss on my forehead, he said goodbye, and
walked away waving to me. I was left sitting on the ground in front of my barrack, dazed.
I wanted to cry out and scream. I just sat and watched while dad was walking away towards
his barrack and kept waving all along. The next day when I returned from work, I hurried
to see father in his barrack, but he was gone. They were all removed the night before and
taken away to a unknown destination.
I returned to my barrack with the gift I had made
up the night before: a package with a pair of warm socks and a piece of bread and a
chocolate bar we received from the Red Cross the week before. I had saved it for a special
occasion and I brought it all back. I sat down on my bunk and was shocked from the bad
news. I knew in my heart that father was gone forever, and I couldn't do a thing. I cried
like I never cried before; my tears were forming like rivers all over me, somehow I blamed
myself, thinking that maybe I could have helped father somehow, but everything happened so
fast and he was gone forever.
With all the new arrivals, the camp was overloaded
and the food supply was cut in half. People from the new transports were half-frozen and
most of them were dead when they arrived. The crematorium that had not been in use most of
the time while I was in Buchenwald those last four months, but it began operating 24 hours
a day; the smell reminds me of Auschwitz when we first arrived there and that was
something I wanted to forget.
Our barrack was close to the main gates and we
watched in horror while the bodies were being carried through the main gates to the
crematorium for cremation.
The population in Buchenwald swelled from 15,000 to
over 50,000. The food supply was poor; some days there was no food.
Trainloads of people arrived daily from the
evacuated camps. It was mid-February and the temperature was 25 below freezing; most of
the people were frozen stiff; the only ones that hid under the frozen bodies managed to
survive. The crematorium could not keep up with the multitude of dead bodies: the bodies
were now just in piles, like lumber, on the road to the crematorium. It was scary to look
at this ugly site, bodies in the thousands, piled about ten feet high and there was no end
to it; more and more transports arrived daily with the same results: mostly frozen and
We lay on our bunks, hungry, and with no supper for
the second day. Luckily we had something saved from the good days, and we shared the
little food that we had managed to gather with each other. Back in our minds we thought
about how this was going to end. There were rumours in camp that we would be evacuated as
soon as the front lines came closer.
March 1945
The rumour became reality and the evacuation of the
camp began. Thousands of people were lined up in front of the main gates; they each
received some bread and they were marched out of the camp on the famous death marches that
were recorded in many of the post-war Buchenwald reports.
During these line-ups for the evacuation, some
people changed their minds about leaving and just stepped out from the group and ran
toward the main camp. We in block 8 witnessed this daily since we were situated next to
the gathering place. The SS pursued the runaways and shot at them like animals as they
ran, but nothing stopped the runaways; they just kept running. The evacuation of the camp,
which did not separate the Jews from the other prisoners, continued daily.
But on March 21, 1945, they announced specifically
in German: "S�mtliche Juden Antreten." (All Jews must report to
the main gates.) Since most of the Jews knew by now that separation of prisoners meant
certain death, they hid their identity by switching their coloured triangle from the
yellow, indicating Jewish, to the red triangle, indicating political prisoner. They were
easy to obtain from the block leaders. The flow of Jewish prisoners reporting to the main
gates went down to a trickle. Block 21 was first at the gates, they were the Jewish
tradesman mostly from Holland, Belgium and France, since 1943, a few hundred young men in
their twenties and thirties that were mainly in the building trade building new facilities
in the factory and who also worked in the camp. They were treated much better than the
rest of us.
A cousin from Ungwar, about 40 km from Munkacz, was
among the young men from Holland. He was studying in Amsterdam University when the war
broke out and decided to stay in Holland, he was later taken to Auschwitz and Buchenwald.
He was in touch with father while he was still among the living in Buchenwald. My cousin
was much older than me. I had no real connection with him, other than that he sometimes
brought me some bread as a treat. He also told me the day after father had been was
removed from his barrack, "Tell your father to get out from that block fast, since
that block is on the list of liquidation," but he was too late with his advice:
father's block was already gone.
After the liberation we were told that block 59 was
shot in the woods of Buchenwald the same day they were removed from their barrack.
Most of the Dutch boys were saved, since most of
them were in good physical shape, and they also had food to take with them on the march. I
found that out from my cousin's sisters when I lived in Liberec in late 1945 and most of
1946. Aranka Herskovics, she was beautiful, my brother Leo, who was still in his Czech
officers uniform, had an eye on her, but he later married an even more beautiful
girl, Rose from Kivjazsd. The next sister was Loli, about twenty years old, and the
youngest we called Tatus, since she loved to eat chocolates and talk at the same time, her
real name was Agnes. They told me that their brother survived with most of his friends
from Holland and lived again in Amsterdam teaching in the University of Amsterdam.
The next blocks to report to the gates for the
march were Jews from block 61 and 62. The order from the SS Lager commandant was
very poorly observed. He then ordered the SS to check every barrack in camp for Jews in
hiding. The SS, with pistols drawn, were running towards the camp. Since our Block 8 was
next to the gathering area, we witnessed these happenings with great anxiety.
In the meantime our block leader made sure that all
the kids had their proper red labels sewn on their lapels. More SS reinforcements were
running toward the camp, we could hear some shootings from all over the camp and things
looked very scary. Since Block 8 was a childrens block, our block had SS soldiers
assigned to check the daily roll calls, they were always the same soldiers. Franta, the
block leader, was always friendly with the two SS that used to come to our block for roll
call. This time when they came looking for Jews, they lined us up for inspection. Since we
all had our triangles changed, everything was going smoothly as planned, except one 13
year-old young boy did not have his label on. The SS grabbed him and yelled at him
"You are Jewish;" the kid did not reply; he shook him again and said, "What
are you?" By this time, the commotion on the camp was so serious, shootings were
heard in sequence without stopping. They said something to Franta and ran out to the
gates, heading toward the shootings in pursuit of the runaway crowd. We were returned to
our barrack and Franta said, "This was very close". The Jews that were gathered
on the Appel Platz, about 10,000 of them, were given a slice of bread and led out
the gates for the "death march".
The statistics in post-war documents state that
only 10% of people survived the death march after walking for weeks without food or water
and with very little sleep, if any. People not able to walk were shot on the spot and left
lying wherever it happened. They walked through towns and villages, German towns and
German villages. The German population saw what was happening in front of their eyes. The
war was practically over and these people just acted as if nothing of great importance was
happening. They even buried the dead left behind, in order not to be blamed by the
American forces for these atrocities.
April 1945
The camp was operating on a day-to-day basis, food
was a rare occurrence. The warehouses were emptied by the Germans into big trucks and
hauled away daily. The kitchen was not functioning every day. Every second day, we receive
a bowl of soup and a slice of bread. But who cared? The bombing and the loud shelling were
now steady without interruption. We were going to be liberated any day now! At night we
could not fall asleep because of the excitement. What have these Germans got planned for
us; maybe they will destroy the whole camp just before the on-coming Americans enter this
hell and see the dead bodies piled up by the thousands. They might want to destroy the
April 11, 1945, 8 a.m.
Russian P.O.W.s come running into our children's
Barrack Block 8 and ordered all the kids to get on the floor adjacent to the exterior
Our bunks were quickly removed from the room and
they opened a trap door in the middle of the room.
A number of P.O.W.s lowered themselves with ropes
below the floor and were bringing up machine guns, anti-tank guns, and grenades by the
buckets. We could hear them yell in Russian, "Careful, these grenades are no joke.
They are all alive, be careful!" Our hearts were pumping like crazy; what did that
all mean?
After about 15 minutes, the shooting started and it
sounded like we were being attacked; the smaller children were crying now, and we, the
older ones, were scared to death. We heard Franta's voice: "Nothing to worry
children, the shooting that you hear is from our side: they are destroying the guard posts
and the SS that are within them. Within a few hours we will be able to really say that we
are free." We were all relaxed and somehow a quiet moment came over us and we all
burst out crying without being able to stop.
After about two hours of shooting the loudspeaker
in the barrack makes an announcement: "We are Free! Our boys control the camp and the
surrounding villages." We all jumped from the floor; we hugged each other and cried
some more
"We are Free! We are Free!"
At about noon time the loudspeaker calls again.
Attention! Attention! This is your Lagerf�hrer speaking. I just received a call
from the SS chief in Weimar to fulfill the order to start destroying the camp.
I told him to go to hell. We are in charge now! And
you can go, and blow yourself up! Imagine, we found out from the reports that all of
Buchenwald Camp was undermined and we were supposed to be blown to pieces before the
surrender of the camp to the Allies. We were relieved that we were saved from destruction.
April 11, 1945, 4 p.m.
American army tanks entered the camp through the
rear of the camp wire fences. The roar of the tanks made us shiver from happiness; the
tanks proceeded to roll towards the Apell Platz next to the main entrance.
Everybody was running towards the American liberators, hugging and kissing them; they were
practically tearing them apart. Everybody wanted to touch them and embrace them.
Tears were running freely from everyone, including
the big strong black Americans. People were dancing and screaming: "We are free! We
are free!" American planes were overhead dropping balloons with the American flag
attached to them. The skies were full of parachutes with food supplies dropping all over
the place. What a sight! People were going wild tearing the supplies apart and having a
feast. Singing and crying at the same time, without realizing that their stomachs were not
used to that much food.
More trucks entered through the main gates with
G.I.s in full gear, most of them black and Jewish men. They just stood there in amazement,
seeing people acting like hungry vultures. Within minutes they realize that these vultures
were professors, scientists, doctors, lawyers, writers, poets, singers, rabbis, cantors,
businessmen, tailors, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, but the German Nazis, with their
brutal actions against the Jews, managed to make them all look alike. Furthermore, history
will show that such brutal behaviour from a civilized people was never seen before, and
may never be seen again.
The soldiers were handing out their rations to the
crowd, including chocolate bars that we had not seen for a long time. They tasted like
something from heaven.
We were having trouble communicating, since very
few of us spoke English. A few Jewish G.I.s that spoke Yiddish were standing with a group
of Jewish men. Survivors. You could hear the crying from the individuals giving them the
reports. They killed my children, my brothers and sisters, the whole Shtetl. They
were all lined up and shot like animals in the woods of our little town, buried in a mass
grave that they had to dig for themselves. One horror story after another. The G.I.s
couldn't take it any more; they walked away with their faces swollen from tears.
In the meantime, the people that ate too much were
getting sick, they just lay on the ground and nobody cared, there was no order yet in
camp; everyone was out for themselves.
The number of sick was rising, you could hardly
move on the Apell Platz where everyone was rejoicing the liberation, and there was
no control over this mass of sick and hungry people. After a couple of hours of
celebrating our liberation, we were told to return to our barracks and wait for further
orders from the new management. As we all left the Apell Platz it looked like a
battlefield. People in the hundreds were lying on the ground, some were dead, some were
sick, and some of them just asleep.
The main kitchen was opened, and food supplies were
being brought in by the truckloads. Within a few hours food was being distributed and
people were so wild and hungry that they attacked the food carriers and dove into the
large food containers head-first, just to satisfy their hunger. They ended up sick from
too much food, and were all carried away to the hospital screaming with pain. Back in our
block 8, the children were singing and dancing, celebrating our liberation. Our leaders
from our barrack told us about all the ammunition that was stored in our barrack by the
underground special group assigned to bring small quantities of gun powder and other parts
of ammunition, that was all later assembled and stored in our barrack for the final
moments to liberate us before the Germans could do more harm. And they assured us that we
would all go back home as soon as the war was over.
April, 14, 1945
General Eisenhower and his staff arrived to inspect
the camp in Buchenwald. We all ran out to greet them as they walked in through the main
entrance gates. General Eisenhower and staff were shown the great piles of human bodies,
piled like lumber, stacked 10 feet high.
They just stood there in amazement, their faces
turned colours. General Eisenhower and his staff removed their helmets and stood there in
a one minute salute for the dead.
"Who would do such a thing to human beings? I
can't believe what I see." Eisenhower said He turned to his staff and gave them an
order: "I want the whole city of Weimar, all men, women, and children, brought in to
see this tragic site." Again, he saluted the dead and hurriedly walked away from the
mass of corpses toward the main gates saying, "I had enough, I think I've seen enough
The next morning we saw thousands of men, woman,
and children from the city of Weimar, which was only about 10km away, being herded into
Buchenwald through the main gates. They were then shown all the corpses and all the
killing facilities in Buchenwald, some of them couldnt take it any longer, some
fainted, some of them were holding their hands over their eyes, but the G.I.s removed
their hands and told them: "Look, look good and never forget what you have seen here
today. Maybe you will be able to tell your children, and grandchildren, what your beloved
F�hrer Adolf did to mankind in the twentieth century. In your fatherland, and all over
When the exhibition was completed, they were all
assembled on the Apell Platz, where Rabbi Shachter, the Chaplain of the American
first and second division of the liberation Army, spoke to the German population of Weimar
from the top off a military truck. In his hand, Rabbi Shachter held a young Jewish boy who
looked about 6 years old.
He raised the child for everyone to see and with
his great voice declared: "This child was your F�hrer's greatest enemy! Can you
imagine a greater enemy?" he asked.
Their faces were stiff, frozen and ashamed, being
part of this devastation. Rabbi Shachter continued and said, "This child will be a
witness to your persecutions, and also a witness, that over one million Jewish children
never made it." The Germans were standing with their heads bowed and murmuring to
themselves. We never knew about these atrocities. Some couldnt hold back their
tears, they were crying openly. We, the survivors, were observing this show of emotions
and thinking quietly. How can a people stoop so low and deny that they knew what was going
on under their noses, only 10 km away? Truck drivers delivering supplies to Buchenwald
daily, plus the foremen in the ammunition factories, were all Germans from the once great
city of Weimar.
Since 1939, Buchenwald had been a slaughtering
place for anyone opposing the Reich. German people from towns and villages were brought
here and finished off, never to be seen again. And now they were confronted with reality
and had the guts to say "We didn't know".
We had no sympathy for them, they rather looked
very low in character to us. The child held by Rabbi Shachter is Rabbi Lowe, now Chief
Rabbi in the State of Israel.
The show was over and the people were told to
disperse, except for some men and women that were selected for removing the thousands of
dead bodies lying all over camp. The dead bodies were then gathered on a truck and taken
to the woods, where they were all buried in a mass grave.
All Jews were invited by Rabbi Shachter to attend
services and to eat Matza, since it was Pesach Sheini that day. The second Pesach,
for Jews that couldn't observe the holiday of Pesach at the proper date. Rabbi
Shachter brought Matzos and distributed them to every one. Rabbi Shachter started to
deliver his sermon, when suddenly he was interrupted by a fellow prisoner. When he heard
the Rabbi say, "We know what you have gone through" The man screamed and said:
"No one, but no one, can dare say that he knows what we went through unless, he or
she was there! Only they can say, I know what you went through!" He continued at the
top of his voice with quotes from the Torah and other scriptures. He was no plain ordinary
every day Jew. He spoke with authority. "Why did G-d forget about his children? And
we were devastated, just because we are Jews?" he continued. "Before we make a
blessing and eat this Matza. We want a Din Torah with the REBONEH SHEL OLAM
(Hold Court with the All Mighty): Why? Why the little children?
They didn't have a chance to sin yet? Why so many
thousands of true dedicated Talmidei chachomim (Jewish learned men), that
were sitting and learning JOMAM VLAJLA day and night? You can take your matzos back
to America. I don't want them, as far as I am concerned. The rest of you: you are free!
You can do what your heart desires!"
Rabbi Shachter did not interrupt the man and he let
him finish. He moved his fists towards his heart and said, "Chotosi Uvisi Pushati
Lefonecha: Please, may I have your forgiveness?" The man raced up to the Rabbi
and embraced him for a while. The rest of us just stood there in silence, and our tears
did the talking. After that scene we all decided to have some Matzo anyway. We made the
blessing of ACHILAT MATZOT in unison. I am sure that this blessing was heard in
heaven, and all the Angels answered Amen.
The assembled crowd dispersed and all the children
were gathered and were taken to other quarters outside the camp walls, into the old SS
officer barracks, where we spent our stay until we departed for Czechoslovakia on our way
to our cities and villages.