Letter from the Ukraine
Volume 15g
Letter from the Ukraine
published by
Concordia University Chair in Canadian Jewish Studies
Copyright � Koineh Schacter-Rogel, 2001
Rumania; Tshudin; Chernovitz; Strashinetz (or Stashinetz, Stasinitz,
Straznitz, Strahsinetz); Budenitz; rape; deportation; forced march;
Vashkoitz; Bessarabia; Yedinetz.
in Tshudin, Ukraine in June 1941 during the first days after Germany
declared war on Russia. Hours after war was declared, German airplanes
bombarded the town. Rogel, her sister Fraydeh and father had been
living in a house the Soviets had given them. Rogel had friends
who were Polish refugees who had recently moved to Tshudin, Modja
and Kopl. Kopl was mobilized in the Red Army, so Modja stayed with
Rogel and her family. Rogel and her sister wanted to leave Tshudin,
having heard that the Russians were withdrawing. They loaded up
a wagon with their belongings and forced their parents to come with
arrived in Strashinetz after an order had been given to evacuate
Chernovitz Street, where they had planned to join Rogel's aunt.
Rogel's father wanted her and Fraydeh to return to Tshudin to make
sure their house and belongings were safe. Although she was opposed
to this plan, she felt she could not contradict her parents. Fraydeh
and Modja left for Tshudin ahead of Rogel and had only made it to
Budenitz when they were forced to turn back.
and Fraydeh stayed with an elderly couple, the Shmeltzers, in Strashinetz.
When bombardments started, Rogel, her sister, father, her aunt,
the Shmeltzers and another couple moved into the cellar. The following
day, the Rumanian army entered the town and soldiers and local non-Jewish
residents began looting Jewish homes. The couple who were hiding
with them went outside and were immediately captured and shot.
several days of hiding in the cellar, they had no food left and
decided to try to run away in the early morning. They ran into a
garden of a Christian woman. Rogel lost the others and hid in a
tree. Fraydeh returned to the tree several times, but there was
no way to get down without being noticed by soldiers. Rogel stayed
in this tree for several days, without food or water. Modja was
hiding in a field within sight of the tree. Rogel witnessed a soldier
rape Modja. Afterwards, Modja came to the tree where Rogel was hiding.
Together, they tried to find another place to hide, but were unsuccessful.
The following day, Modja was taken away by two soldiers. Rogel never
saw her again. Rogel decided to give herself up. She learned that
all Jewish people were being held in a local school. She was escorted
there by a Rumanian officer.
school was packed with women and children. Conditions deteriorated
rapidly: there was no food or water; the sewers had backed up and
people were getting sick. Soldiers were entering rooms and raping
women. Women were selling their jewelry to the soldiers for food.
A woman told her that her sister and father were still alive and
hiding. They later gave themselves up and her sister and aunt joined
her in the school. Her father was staying in a synagogue reserved
for Jewish men. They were then deported on wagons. Was able to rejoin
her father when the transport stopped because of bad weather. Rogel's
father happened to be at the same place. They were then taken on
a forced march to Vashkoitz, then to Besarabia and Yedinetz.
author did not have the energy to continue to write about her experiences.