Dreaming and Survival
Volume 15f
Andrew Savin
and Survival
published by
Concordia University Chair in Canadian Jewish Studies
Copyright � Andrew Savin, 2001
Transylvania; Betar: youth movement of the Revisionist Zionists;
Garany: Hungarian camp for political prisoners; Szasaregen Ghetto,
Auschwitz; "Canada" and "Canadians:" Terms used
in concentration camps to denote abundance; Buchenwald; Bochum:
Camp in Ruhr region; Otto Bauer: German political prisoner, leader
of underground organization in camp; Eisenhower: Speech to liberated
camp inmates; Cluj: Rumanian town; Brasov: Rumanian town; H.I.A.S:
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.
Describes family life from age 13 in 1936, in small town in Transylvania.
Prior to the war he and sister are arrested as political radicals
and imprisoned by the Hungarian authorities. With the outbreak of
the war he is deported to Auschwitz. Description of selection procedures.
Transported to Buchenwald where he is imprisoned until liberation
by the American army. Relates how Americans forced the local Germans
to view the camp. Detailed description of the role of the political
prisoners in camp management in Buchenwald and the organization
of resistance within the camp. Speaks of being part of a group which
offered mutual aid and contributed to survival. Worked in group
that defused live bombs from Allied air-raids. Describes the liberation
of Buchenwald and witnesses speech by Eisenhower to assembled inmates.
Post-war activities in the Labour Party (Communist?) and the organization
of Jewish youth group. In 1948, marries, has child, later divorced.
Works as mechanical engineer. Family life and career development
in post-war period. Escape to Vienna, stay for 5 months before proceeding
to Canada where his sister lived. Arrives in Canada on April 7,
1970. Attends the 50th anniversary of liberation in Buchenwald.
Retired, age 68, spends part of year in Florida.
Manuscript includes genealogical table and list of deceased and
living family members.