Volume 25
Nelli Rotbart
Nelli Rotbart was born in 1930 in Bojmie, a village
60km east of Warsaw. She describes her family and kinship, including the
social and economic conditions of their lives. Polish antisemitism which
was taught in schools and churches resulted in the two communities living
entirely apart. There was no mixing and a steady rise of fascism.
When the war broke out in 1939 people fled in panic toward the east and
were bombed in the roads. German advance and the increasing hardships
of occupation. In 1941 the Jews were deported to the Wengrow ghetto. Author
escaped Galki, was caught and sent to Kalushin ghetto, and escaped again
just before transport to Treblinka. Until the end of the war living in
hiding under horrible conditions while being hunted by the Germans with
Polish help. For two years living in a bunker under a pig sty. Then hiding
in field and woods where she and her sister survived while most of the
others in hiding were found and killed.
A sympathetic Pole provided her with a new birth certificate that allowed
her to work as a maid and being sold as one. With the Russian advance
she found work in a Russian hospital which was safer than the Polish environment.
Decided to move to Russia. While waiting for the train from Lublin to
Russia Lublin, she visited Maidanek. In Kiev they first put her into an
orphanage, then into a factory. Took courses in evening school and then
entered the library school at the university. Eviction from the Komsomol.
Graduation and job search. During a vacation in Odessa she found a job
there and got married. They move to Liepaja on the Baltic. Moved into
their own apartment. Husband worked as an engineer while she got a job
in the library of the Marine Officers Club. Birth of daughter. Emigration
eventually became permissible, but only to Israel. But an application
to leave meant loss of jobs and being branded as traitors. After many
applications and many refusals permission to emigrate was finally granted
in 1982 to join her sister in Canada. Complicated travel arrangements:
via Moscow to Montreal and on to Winnipeg and a long awaited family reunion.