Helen Rodak-Izso The Last Chance to Remember
valuable cards were deposited in the Yad Vashem Museum, Jerusalem and
registered in their archive under #6903. The date on this card was 1942,
June 22 and after a short checking we had the shocking news that this
particular camp was liquidated the very next day. The gentleman who
looked after these things was very interested in every detail, even
in our own experiences, in this hell. He listened with real interest
and attention. They were very grateful for every little bit of information
that they were able to get and save for the next generations. Stropkov
was a very small village, a God forsaken remote place. The family and
the whole place was very religious. Many years ago I attended a wedding
for one of my cousins. It was held in the most antiquated way, observed
everything as it was years and years before. It was a colourful event.
The whole neighbourhood was invited. It was interesting to watch them,
as these people normally lived unbelievably modestly and quietly, but
now nothing was missing and the celebration was not over in one day.
The music was playing tirelessly and food was inexhaustible, so the
mood was good. Despite showing some tiredness already, the show went
on and these God fearing, pious people tried to make themselves and
each other happy in their own way. Uncle Armin, was the next brother,
who lived in Hajdu Boszormeny, Hungary, with his wife, Rose and daughters,
Magda and Ilonka. Unfortunately, Ilonka perished; she was a pretty girl,
and wrote poetry. Magda married in time to get out with her new husband,
Ernest Young; they still had a chance to emigrate to Chile. They had
two wonderful boys and worked hard. They owned a sportswear factory,
where Magda was still active, until the year of 1972, when Chile had
political problems and they had to flee. One of their sons, George lived
in Israel with his young wife on a kibbutz so they brought the parents
over and lived in the same place, only in a separate apartment. They
lived there for long years, made themselves useful and slowly became
accustomed to the new lifestyle. Uncle
Henry was the youngest brother. He lived in our city with his wife,
Gisella (Giza). This was a childless couple. In
our city lived a large family Friedman, from our dear father's side.
They were blessed with large families and were religious people. They
worked diligently and became part of the community. They established
the very prosperous crystal and porcelain business under the name of
"Gupa.". It is impossible to remember everyone. |