Helen Rodak-Izso The Last Chance to Remember
were not aware how close we were to the battle zone, but very shortly
this became evident. There was no need for any guessing any more. One
of the girls from our group was hit, but miraculously only the rucksack
on her back was damaged. It was a serious sacrifice, but she was not
hurt, only terrified. We could only try to avoid the dangerous spots,
but this was difficult, because we had no idea which way to go or where
we were? In the chaos we didn't even realize that the guards had run
off. One thing was noticeable, that our group was always thinner. There
was no one to whom we could turned for information, so everybody tried
to save herself. Maybe it was better that we didn't know how close we
were to the battle zone. It would have been a real panic and we were
frightened enough already. A
man wearing a Belgian uniform noticed us and offered his guidance. We
agreed gladly and followed his instructions. He would be yelling aloud
when the shooting started, telling us to run or stop and fall flat on
to the ground, so that we were running just like the soldiers. Suddenly we found ourselves at the edge of the place and looking down on a beautiful, quiet meadow, with a farm, with houses, homes. It looked like a different world, so peaceful, so undisturbed. So we climbed down, about 22 women and the soldier. The place was unbelievably quiet, totally abandoned. At least this is how we saw it. To our eyes it looked like a fairy tale or fairyland. |