Helen Rodak-Izso
The Last Chance
to Remember
Among the most bitter and trying memories is the latrine which was built
especially for us. Designed to humiliate us always deeper and to the
bottom. This dreaded place was guarded always so it was a total embarrassment
and unspeakably sickening. My dear mother who suffered from these problems
at home too, of course, couldn't adapt herself and became ill. It was
in the open, with the guards standing there all the time with their
rifle ready to use. We often thought that we couldn't take it any longer,
but this was not the time or place to think or put up questions. To
whom would we complain? We just went on, most of the time we didn't
even know how? This was a period surpassing even the most fantastic
imagination. To show the real situation is impossible. It was like a
preparatory course for something even much more harsh to come, or, an
overture to a real drama.