Volume 29 Margrit Rosenberg Stenge MARGRIT’S STORY : NARROW ESCAPE TO AND FROM NORWAY A publication of Copyright © Margrit Rosenberg Stenge, 2004
Abstract Author born on December 27, 1928 in Cologne, Germany. Describes her childhood in middle-class family. She is an only child. Maternal side of the family was assimilated; paternal side was orthodox. Her father, a chemist, was a veteran of World War I and suffered multiple health problems as a result. When the Nazis came to power in 1933 life changes significantly. She is forced to attend a Jewish school, Recalls incident in 1937 when their house was stoned by a gang of youngsters. Family prepares alternative routes to security; describes the desperate attempt to obtain visas to foreign countries. Family leaves for Belgium, but unable to find employment decide to proceed to Scandinavia. Author is left in Brussels with a Jewish family until parents settle in Norway. Father finds work in his profession. Describes the conditions in Norway, living among a number of Jewish refugees. When the Germans invade Norway in 1940 father plans to escape; they travel to the country-side and find shelter with a Norwegian couple. Detailed account of life in isolated mountain village, and the measures they resort to in order to evade arrest. Family moves to an area above the tree-line where skis were the sole means of transportation. Friends supply them with money from the company that employed her father. Contact is made with the underground who arrange to smuggle the family into Sweden. Description of conditions in Sweden. War ends; meets future husband. Emigrates to Canada in 1951. Key Words Cologne, German city