EPILOGUE. The pencil stopped, the hands are tired. The keyboard is silent, body and mind exhausted. My writing opened the lid of my hidden memories. I never wanted to open it before. Looking back at a very long "journey", I am dizzy to see the rough road, the distance I traveled. Every line, every page carries the truth, nothing added, nothing taken away. Before I started to write, I did not contemplate much difficulty, but as it turned out it was more than I had bargained for. Opening up my past, I had to do lots of thinking and research. I forgot names, places, dates and events. Some of them I didn't even want to remember. - When I finished the last page, then I realized how little I said about my happy and not so happy events. The Germans and Hungarians robbed me of my youth; I lost it forever. What they did to me, to my family and to the millions in the name of "civilization", is written in human history with blood. During the war, very few countries and not so many individuals opened their heart and their door to help us. This very fact filled my days and years with some bitterness, and shook my belief in human decency. How many brilliant people died, beautiful young people, a whole generation disappeared. I will never forget and never forgive! I would never travel to Germany, or support their economy. Germany or Hungary was not the only birthplace of Anti-Semitism. There were many others: Spain, Russia, Poland, but the Germans were the most "civilized" and the best-organized killers of all time. Hungary was not far behind them. The wind was blowing fast and didn't stop. During my lifetime, I saw the wind blowing in different directions. I felt, I was alone in the storm and could not stop it. I witnessed the immense hatred, bestiality, prejudice and racism manifested by growing numbers of individuals and entities worldwide. The unfortunate aspect of this curse brought to the world soon after its creation is that no culture or civilization is immune against it. Nothing seems to destroy the destroyer.
The title of my Autobiography is CAN YOU STOP THE WIND? No, we cannot possibly stop the wind, but we can shield ourselves to some extent at least with forbearance. We can build a stronger foundation by speaking up before it's too late, participating in organizations protecting human rights, and above all fighting with all our might against prejudice, racism and bigotry. I honestly hope that future generations will join forces to withstand the ill wind and will not experience my turbulent years of agony. Their Autobiography will be a happier one. The last page in my Autobiography is empty. My writing is finished by now, but pages are open for the following generations to continue their and their families' history; to fill pages with happiness and the joy of life. Should my family tree grow and withstand the ill winds of times. My Autobiography is part of my legacy to my family, and a personal gift to my friends.
This is the last page. It is empty. Yet. |