Concordia Facilities Questionnaire

Who are you?

Faculty member

Section 1 - Quality of institutional facilities

Please rate the following statements on a scale of 1 to 10.
(10 = Strongly agree; 1 = Strongly disagree)

Question 1
Taking into account the kind of work you do, you are satisfied overall with institutional facilities.
1 5 10

Comments: (If applicable, please indicate the specific location or building you are referring to)

Question 2
Taking into account the kind of work you do, you feel that institutional facilities are safe and secure in every respect (including occupational health and safety).
1 5 10

Comments: (If applicable, please indicate the specific location or building you are referring to)

Question 3
Taking into account the kind of work you do, you feel that institutional facilities are functional in every respect (including ergonomics, room temperature, and lighting).
1 5 10

Comments: (If applicable, please indicate the specific location or building you are referring to)

Question 4
Taking into account the kind of work you do, you feel that institutional facilities are comfortable in every respect (impact on your quality of life).
1 5 10

Comments: (If applicable, please indicate the specific location or building you are referring to)

Question 5
Taking into account the kind of work you do, you feel that institutional facilities are esthetically appealing in every respect (colours, shapes, textures, cleanliness, etc.).
1 5 10

Comments: (If applicable, please indicate the specific location or building you are referring to)

Question 6
As compared with other public places you frequent, you feel that your institution provides a thoroughly suitable environment.
1 5 10

Comments: (If applicable, please indicate the specific location or building you are referring to)

Question 7
You feel that institutional facilities meet the needs of the people they serve.
1 5 10

Comments: (If applicable, please indicate the specific location or building you are referring to)

General comments

If you wish to be eligible for prize drawings, please include your email address and we will contact the winner with the information necessary to claim the prize. To ensure confidentiality, please note that your answers are not linked to your email address.

Have you submitted a service request in the past 12 months? If so, please answer the following six questions.
